Brethren, once again, I thought today was settled. I had thought that our sermon today would explore the drama that unfolded last week when the name of the Almighty appeared on a Moringa tree in a town in Ogun State. It was a matter of surprise for me to hear that some compatriots of mine and yours, men and women, later went to the tree and began to, was it out of ignorance or mischief, pray on to it the same way the Makkans used to pray unto their various idols before the advent of Islam.. When I eventually saw the images of those men and women who stood beside the tree, held up bottles of water and began to pray ceaselessly and fervently for one favour or the other, I immediately switched on my sense of empathy. What else could I have done other than to pity those men and women who basked in empty spiritual fantasy? Brethren, how could you have imagined that an ordinary tree could grant unto you what the Almighty withholds? How could you conflate illumination with the Sun or the tree for the Forest? When men and women begin to adore the messenger in utter neglect and disregard of the message and its Owner then one comes to the understanding of the reasons nations before us suffered perditions and interdictions. Brethren, the Moringa tree was a message, the owner of the message is the Almighty; it is unto Him not the tree or any other creature that you should direct your prayers and requests to. He is ever alive; He never dies.
But I had to side-step all of the above in today’s sermon when I received an anonymous text from a compatriot of mine. He wrote to ask for my opinion on masturbation. He wanted to know whether masturbation is a grievous sin that is punishable by the Almighty on the day resurrection. Just before I sat down beside my computer to do this piece, I thought I needed a professional input. I then put a call across to a medic friend and brother of mine. I asked him: ‘Brother! What is the medical position on masturbation?” He responded: “You know what Prof! I do not know of any negative medical implication that could result from indulgence in masturbation. What I do know however from interactions with those who practice it, is that masturbation does not guarantee maximum sexual satisfaction. Those who practice it usually experience hallucination. Instead of the act providing sexual succour and gratification it only usually makes the desire for sex stronger…”

Now at least two perspectives are available in Islamic jurisprudence in regard to masturbation: the permissive and the prohibitive. Scholars who consider the act permissible do so based on necessity.
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